A Call for More Libertarian Experts in North Carolina by Joshua D Glawson

A Call for More Libertarian Experts in North Carolina

The Libertarian Party of North Carolina is actively working on coordinating more opportunities to publish and present around the state, and we need your help.

Joshua D Glawson "Taxation is Theft" and Inflation is the hidden tax. The Carolina Journal.

Taxation and inflation: the real junk fees

Many of the junk fees passed onto consumers are directly related to the taxes imposed by the government. As of 2022, wireless cell phone taxes by the federal government averaged a monthly 12.24% of the total bill, and the North Carolina state government imposed an average additional 9.04% tax, totaling 21.29% monthly tax to use a cell phone.

Marijuana Hemp North Carolina Joshua D Glawson
Economics Politics

The futile resistance to the Cherokee’s likely legalizing of marijuana

“What is ominous is the ease with which some people go from saying that they don’t like something to saying

Statue of Liberty by Atahan Guc. Joshua D. Glawson. Libertarian.

A Return to Freedom

“The urge toward action, i.e., improvement of the conditions of life, is inborn in man. Man himself changes from moment

Heart of Gold. California Libertarian Party. Joshua D. Glawson.

Gold At Heart

By Joshua D. Glawson “California presented to people a new model for the American dream—one where the emphasis was on


ASCC party generates political conversation

By Megan Bender When representatives from the Los Angeles County Democratic Party reached out to the Associated Students of Citrus