Money Metals Exchange. Joshua D. Glawson.

Have U.S. Circulating Coins Become a Cruel Joke?

Even 100 years ago, a lump payment in coins would have been perfectly acceptable even though it would have been tedious to count all of them. Since 1923, nearly 1700% in inflation has flowed from our fiat monetary system, and this has caused a shocking devaluation in all U.S. currency denominations and forms of payment.

As of 2023, it takes more than $420,000 to provide the same purchasing power as $23,500 carried in 1923.

Counterfeit Laws Are for You, Not for Uncle Sam. Joshua D Glawson.

Counterfeit Laws Are for You, Not for Uncle Sam

Today, we are seeing a mass deterioration in the standard of living and the decay of the Federal Reserve note dollar’s purchasing power while the U.S. national debt is swiftly reaching $34 trillion.

Joshua D Glawson "Taxation is Theft" and Inflation is the hidden tax. The Carolina Journal.

Taxation and inflation: the real junk fees

Many of the junk fees passed onto consumers are directly related to the taxes imposed by the government. As of 2022, wireless cell phone taxes by the federal government averaged a monthly 12.24% of the total bill, and the North Carolina state government imposed an average additional 9.04% tax, totaling 21.29% monthly tax to use a cell phone.

Rain, Petrichor, Joshua D Glawson poem


Cool breezes comfort,Scent of petrichor rouses,Rain falls gracefully.

Benjamin Franklin. $100 (One Hundred Dollar Bill), Foundation for Economic Education, Joshua D. Glawson.

4 Ways Young People Can Hedge against Inflation

“In the long run, inflation comes to an end with the breakdown of the currency.” —Ludwig von Mises When money

Coin-Based Trickery: Long-Used Tactics to Rip People Off

Before starting to invest in precious metals, a person will likely have encountered a plethora of ads. Unfortunately, many of the

Marijuana Hemp North Carolina Joshua D Glawson
Economics Politics

The futile resistance to the Cherokee’s likely legalizing of marijuana

“What is ominous is the ease with which some people go from saying that they don’t like something to saying

5 Reasons People Often End Up With Credit Card Debt. Foundation for Economic Education. Joshua D. Glawson.

5 Reasons People Often End Up With Credit Card Debt

Unveiling the root causes behind Americans’ debt epidemic. Today, we are seeing more credit card debt in the US than

Four Precious Metals Megatrends Are Rapidly Unfolding. Money Metals Exchange. Joshua D. Glawson

Four Precious Metals Megatrends Are Rapidly Unfolding

As the world continues to be rocked by inflation and financial instability, four precious metals “megatrends” have emerged largely undetected

Top 5 Reasons In Support of Remote Work. Free The People. Joshua D Glawson.

Top 5 Reasons In Support of Remote Work

Remote work began many years before the internet and personal computers were a common thing. Often referred to as remote work,